What is the difference between "launch" and "release"
May 19, 2015 · Release = making a piece of software public, or publishing it. A release could be also defined as when the software was finalized, as opposed to made public, but that's only if it's used in the context of the internal development team. Launch = The initial release of a piece of software. However, it's also used to talk about the future release ...
What is the difference between "deployment" and "release"?
release (noun): A version of software intended for use outside the development team. A release need not be customer-centric. Some teams, for instance, differentiate between internal release (e.g. for software QA or demo activities) and external release (e.g. for customers or production). Ideally a release is associated with a checkpoint in the ...
Style clarification for date superscripts, th, st and nd
Apr 17, 2016 · I wanted to know, while writing dates such as 1st April or 2nd March; do we need to superscript the st and the nd as 1st April and 2nd March, or is it ok to write them without the superscript forma...
Single word for the "estimated time of completion"
Jun 5, 2017 · Start date, end date. Start time, end time. Target date, actual complete date, etc. Usually what each of these specifically mean is defined at the start of a project, so that everyone uses consistent language, to avoid confusion. Note: quite a few project websites use ‘finish date’. I much prefer ‘complete date’.
Word for software which has been killed or is no longer supported
Dec 12, 2013 · expired when it is pulled from release and is no longer permitted to be used, or that the software itself has time-bombed itself, a feature, entity, portion of itself from being useful. Examples. The licence on the module will be expiring in 30 days. We have planned obsolescence for deployment of Ubuntu 1204 next year.
Is there a specific word to describe the duration before due date?
e.g. (1) Freshly elected politicians frequently forget to consider the amount of lead time required to get them re-elected on the next election cycle. (2) The lead time required to test and prep the software for general release date is about 6 weeks. –
prepositions - Does "until [date]" mean "before that date"?
Aug 16, 2011 · 1)Does “until [date]” mean “before that date”? 2)What does "within 2 days" mean? 3)What does "until August 18, 2011" mean? That's really 3 questions. Regarding the first, which is the one I came here thinking about, I feel like it's helpful to try and translate the sentence into pseudocode, and armchair evaluate it.
Is this correct way of replying with available dates for an interview
Sep 4, 2014 · I trying to reply for an email with my available dates and times for the interview "I'm available on the dates and times mentioned below. Please let me know if any of them works for you." Does t...
word choice - What would you call a former criminal who has been ...
Feb 6, 2014 · Parole is the release of a prisoner before the full sentence is served, usually for good behavior, and parole lasts for a limited time. – bib Commented Feb 5, 2014 at 19:19
Is there a specific name for that singular exhalation laugh that ...
Oct 21, 2023 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.