Andrew Malkinson has been awarded compensation for the miscarriage of justice he suffered – but may have to leave his home as a result.
An Oxfordshire MP has challenged the prime minister to ensure new homes come with sufficient infrastructure, such as doctors' surgeries and schools.
Tributes have flooded in after a woman in her 40s was found dead in a residential area of an Oxfordshire town.
A lane in Wallingford has been closed for the second time in two weeks for Thames Water works due to a pipe leaking water into the road.
Battery Sergeant Major Michael Webber had to apologise to Gunner Jaysley Beck, 19, after allegedly trying to kiss her.
More than 68,000 raw sewage spills have polluted British rivers and seas already this year, data suggests. Campaign group Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) have launched an online water quality hub, ...
Staff at a private school in Abingdon formed a picket line for the seventh day today in an ongoing industrial dispute about pensions. Staff at Our Lady's Abingdon have launched a series of strike days ...