Do past mistakes justify new ones? Some supporters of President Donald Trump's Administration are pointing to historical ...
Columnist Teri Sforza writes that a scholar argues any ‘lawfare’ against Nixon doesn’t absolve him of transgressions.
Barbara Franklin, whom President Richard Nixon appointed in 1971 to spearhead an effort to bring more women into high-level ...
You’ve made a huge political comeback. You’re deeply suspicious of the Washington bureaucracy. You’re contemptuous of liberal ...
Woodward, who shared a Pulitzer Prize with Carl Bernstein for the Washington Post’s coverage of the Watergate scandal that ...
Rupert Murdoch's legal battle with his children continues to wind through the courts, but it's not the first time a dynastic ...
When I married in 1973, my wife and I put everything we owned into our car and drove to Boston to attend graduate school.
Gene Hackman, who passed away this week at 95, lived an incredible life. The French Connection star was beloved by his fans, ...