It’s unclear whether the North Korea of today would treat King similarly with Jenkins and Dresnok, whose crossings were six decades ago. And King might be less ideal as propaganda material.
A "North Korean propaganda video" is circulating the web and it's quite strange. The video — dubbed by a British man who has "translated" others — depicts "how Americans live today" by showing ...
There are 25 million people in North Korea, but the only visible portraits ... Taken alone, each portrait could look like smiling propaganda for the authoritarian regime. Together, they have ...
SEOUL--A South Korean activists’ group said Thursday it flew large balloons carrying propaganda leaflets toward North Korea, although the North has threatened to send more balloons with manure ...
He has abandoned North Korea’s seven-decade goal of reuniting with the South. He has dramatically ramped up idol-worship propaganda around ... his own rise. Today, the North Korean leader ...
The Ukrainian military is distributing leaflets written in Korean in an effort to convince North Korean troops fighting ...
NK Leadership Watch notes that Kim is believed to have been trained at Kim Il-so’ng Military University (KISMU), the most prominent military academy in North Korea. His training is evident in ...
North Korea’s propaganda apparatus is breaking new ground in the way it has portrayed him battling alongside ordinary citizens as he tackles a flood emergency that has devastated a northwestern ...