Co-organized by the Toledo Museum of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Alte Pinakothek, Munich, the first major U ...
Vasilisa Romanenko paints common birds amid clusters of fruits and flowers, exploring the power of opulence in times of ...
More than 419,000 photos were submitted to this year's Sony World Awards, organized by the World Organisation.
Jinjoo Jo's series of illustrations titled 'Blue Anger' expresses a personal response to a widely publicized tragedy.
“What is essential is invisible to the eye,” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote in his 1943 novella The Little Prince, a ...
New York City-based tattoo artist Ash Aurich's deep appreciation for iconic artworks inspired tiny odes to famous ...
Just to have one character walk across the set, the filmmakers of Eastend Western utilized eight unique 3D-printed figures.
Surman renders animals in a manner that reflects our tendency to ascribe human emotion and feeling to other species.
In the Jordanian desert, Syrian families displaced by war huddle atop stacks of boxes like stalwart islands in a dry and ...
Katherine Duclos begins each artwork with a color palette and no plan. Placing modular LEGO bricks one by one, the ...
On the site of the former Scott's Grove Baptist Church, Tony M. Bingham has constructed a monumental installation.