Intesa Sanpaolo, revenues up 7,5% with net interest up 6,9%, net commissions up 9,4% and insurance business result up 4,1%. Income statement slows down in the last quarter of 2024 Intesa Sanpaolo ...
Trump, BRICS in the crosshairs: 100% tariffs if they leave the dollar Trump then raised the stakes against BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), threatening 100% tariffs ...
INPS has finally clarified the details on the mothers bonus 2025. THE mothers with three or more children will continue to benefit from thecomplete exemption from social security contributions ...
Operators have returned to investing in dollar, abandoning safe-haven currencies.The dollar has been on a yo-yo string since Trump took office, reacting primarily to shifting expectations on ...
Markets are looking for stabilization after yesterday's tsunami. Attention is also turning to sectors other than tech. The dollar is recovering in the wake of Trump's new threats on duties.
Ein intensives Buch von Giulio Napolitano, das das intime Porträt seines Vaters Giorgio mit einem halben Jahrhundert ...
Secondo i calcoli di Banca d'Italia e Istat alla fine del 2023 la ricchezza netta delle famiglie italiane è stata pari a ...
Markets seesaw on the day the Fed won't cut rates. Nvidia's rebound doesn't save the Nasdaq and LVMH's disappointing quarterly results weigh on luxury. Mps, Mediobanca and Generali rise on Piazza Affa ...
Intesa Sanpaolo semnează un parteneriat cu Grenke Ag pentru a consolida închirierea operațională a bunurilor de capital, răspunzând nevoilor nefinanciare ale IMM-urilor și extinzând gama de servicii c ...
James Mangold inszeniert einen Film über die frühen Jahre von Bob Dylans Karriere. Dabei vermeidet er den Ansatz eines traditionellen Biopics und liefert ein Werk voller Energie, Leidenschaft und Poes ...
Borse sottotono per i timori delle guerre commerciali e rischi di crescita dell’inflazione Usa ma a Piazza Affari almeno tre titoli fanno scintille Molta brace arde sotto la cenere sui mercati ...