Henderson County, North Carolina, officials issued a smoke advisory due to a large prescribed burn in Greenville County.
Scientists said the storm's strength and potential for far-reaching impacts is notable, but its timing isn't unusual.
Here’s why and how the moon can look yellow, orange or red without an eclipse and when Friday's total lunar eclipse blood moon will reach totality.
We can see just how a disruption or a delay in notifications can literally lead to death for some,” one lawmaker says.
When Chris and Sara Evensen bought their home off Elk Mountain Scenic Highway in 2018, they felt like they’d hit the natural beauty jackpot: a nice home on two acres, ensconced in a gorgeous hardwood ...
Strong winds and dry conditions fueled fires and dust storms last week. Dust kicked up by the winds traveled as far as West ...
A recent study underscores how humanity’s success in extinguishing fires has allowed dead wood and other flammable material ...
Governor Kelly Armstrong has declared a statewide fire emergency as fierce winds continue to hit the capital city.
Bonneville Power Administration officials announced in a draft policy proposal released Wednesday that they intend to leave the California-controlled “real-time” market they’ve participated in since ...
The proposed change would mean a new slate of customers from as far away as Louisiana would be able to buy power from BPA. Critics say it would cost large investor-owned NW utilities, which would pass ...
As crews fully contain a 198-acre fire in the Pisgah National Forest, the US Forest Service has mapped areas most at risk of ...