Nine other guards were charged last week in the beating death of the inmate. The top charge was second-degree murder.
A New York grand jury indicted officers involved in the beating death of inmate Robert Brooks Sr. at Marcy Correctional ...
Ten former prison guards have been indicted in the killing of Robert Brooks, a prisoner who was incarcerated at the Marcy ...
Ten New York prison guards have been indicted in connection to the killing of inmate Robert Brooks — whose brutal, fatal ...
The main feature of the tentative agreement involves the suspension of regulations, under the Humane Alternatives to ...
Six New York prison guards have been indicted for second-degree murder in the beating death of an inmate who was handcuffed, while four corrections workers were charged with lesser crimes.
"The beating and torture that led to Mr. Brooks’ death at Marcy Correctional Facility is disturbing and unconscionable." ...
Five New York prison guards were charged with murder Thursday after they allegedly beat 43-year-old Robert Brooks to death ...
Image Supporters of Robert Brooks poured into the Oneida County Courthouse on Thursday.Credit...Adrianna Newell for The New York Times All five were charged with manslaughter as well. Officer ...
The autopsy reported that Brooks died from “compression of the neck and multiple blunt-impact injuries,” a family lawyer said.