The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 776 points, or 1.8%, at 43,294. The S&P 500 was up roughly 111 points, or 1.9%, at 5,954. The Nasdaq Composite was up about 469 points, or 2.5%, near 19,514.
Major U.S. indices had a mixed close on Monday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average slipping 0.1% to 43,389.60, while the S&P 500 rose 0.4% to 5,893.62, and the Nasdaq climbed 0.6% to 18,791.81.
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However, it appears the honeymoon period is over. Traders can’t directly invest in the Dow Jones Industrial Average due to it being an index. Instead, they can buy shares of companies listed on it.