No policymaker focused on economic development can afford to ignore the importance of Global Value Chains, argue Riccardo Crescenzi and Oliver Harman in their new book. Global Value Chains (GVC) are ...
Martin Neil Baily, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution, former Chairman U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisers "This is an important book at a critical time. As the book notes global ...
The core of Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo’s new book, Poor Economics, can be summed up by a single sentence in the foreword: “[W]e have to abandon the habit of reducing the poor to cartoon ...
Hamid Rashid, Chief, Global Economic Monitoring Branch, leads the writing team for the World Economic Situation and Prospects. Previously, he served as the Senior Inter-Regional Adviser for ...
The Global Indicators Group (DECIG) produces primary data and analysis on private sector development - the key to sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The indicators place emphasis on ...
The MA in Global Political Economy and Finance is a 30-credit program that provides students with a sophisticated understanding of the world economy in historical context, political economic analysis ...